Jharkhand Agency for promotion of Information Technology(JAP-IT) is the nodal agency and prime mover for propelling IT growth & implementation of IT & e-Governance projects in the State of Jharkhand. The society is estabilished to accelerate the growth of Information Technology (IT) in Jharkhand and implement the policies of the State Government in the area of IT. The primary objective of JAP-IT is to administrate implementation of e-Governance projects for overall benefit to citizens, public and Government. Accordingly, the objectives are:-
• To provide IT inputs to government departments/ agencies and to assist them in computerization and networking.
• To assist government department in introducing e-Governance in thier operations.
• To co-ordinate with investors and industry, Trade organizations and financial institutions in public and private sector so as to promote growth in the IT sector.
• To facilitate Human Resource Development in the field of IT in the Government.
• To undertake any other function(s) as may be assigned by the State Government.
JAP-IT has been formed according to the guidelines of Government of India by the Department of IT & e-Governance, Govt. of Jharkhand. JAP-IT was established as society registered under the Societies Registration Act 21.1860 on 29th March 2004